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  • 作者:魏宏伟
  • 班级:高中高三
  • 字数450字作文
  • 体裁
  • 段落:分20段叙写
  • 更新:2023年02月02日 01时06分





1.Spartus n.斯巴达人 2.Laconia n.拉哥尼亚 3.Lacons n.拉哥(尼亚)人 4.tycoon n.企业巨头 5.laconic a.简洁的;简短的


A Laconic Answer to Our Meetings

I heard that in ancient Greece there lived a people called Spartus. The Spartus were famous for their bravery and simple life. As they lived in Laconia, they were also called Lacons. The Lacons had a lot of strange rules. One of them was that they should speak briefly and never use more words than needed.

This story made me think of a junior middle school classmate of mine. Once he told me that their Leagus secretary often put them to the trouble of long meetings, at which she would made long, long speeches, all empty words. Everybody suffered. Such meetings achieve little and waste precious time. But she herself did not realize it. If anyone dared to prevent her from speaking or get in some words to cut her short, she would get angry and criticize him severely.

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作者:高中高三学生(1)班 魏宏伟

