文章摘要:高中作文900字:怎么写好思想评论:论刺激900字作文?【内容提示】近些年,社会上有一种现象,那就是人们动不动就想寻找刺激,有物质刺激、精神刺激等。公益之事没有物质奖不干。集体主义淡漠了,个人利益的风气增长了。请你就这一问题写一篇文章,发表自己的看法。以下词语供参考:1.stimulation n.刺激(作用)2.social phenomenon 社会现象3.collectivism n.集体主义【作文示范】On StimulationsIn recent years, more and more people are seeking for stimulations。以下是许慕冉写的《思想评论:论刺激》范文;
- 作者:许慕冉
- 班级:高中高二
- 字数:900字作文
- 体裁:
- 段落:分22段叙写
- 更新:2025年03月19日 22时40分
1.stimulation n.刺激(作用)
2.social phenomenon 社会现象
3.collectivism n.集体主义
On Stimulations
In recent years, more and more people are seeking for stimulations. This social phenomenon has also spread widely among us students.
Last week, it was our class' turn to clean the school campus. This time, in order to arouse our enthusiasm for the labor, our classmaster announced that those who attended the labor would get some kind of material rewards①. Although everyone knew the rewards would be unimportant in terms of money, two thirds of the students in our class attended the labor, as they felt they got a kind of stimulation from it. How unimaginable it was! Why should such things happen?
Many years ago, it was regarded as an honour to serve the people and society. But in recent years, although society, science, and technology have been greatly developed and our living conditions have been improved, some people feel lonely and spiritually② empty. While seeking personal interests and fame, they have become much more self-centered. Finally they lose touch with the collective③. They only do things that can benefit themselves. By and by they feel lonely even with a lot of material comforts. This is why they must seek for more stimulations to cheer up themselves. Seeking for material stimulations is not a proper way to get rid of loneliness. A better way out is to care more for the collective and others. Only by this means can they get back what they have lost by avoiding social activities.
For us young people, besides our studies, we also need collective activities. In taking part in these activities, not only can our lives be enriched④, but we can also train our sense of collectivism and thus be spiritually rewarded. So why don't we also look for some spiritual stimulation, fellow students?
①reward[ri'w&:d] n.报酬;酬劳;奖赏
②spiritually['spiritju+li] ad.精神上;心灵上
③collective[k+'lektiv] n.集体;集体事业
本文的论点是“seeking for spiritual stimulations instead of material ones”(寻求精神刺激而不要寻求物质刺激),这是从整篇文章中归纳出来的。全文运用多种推理方法对这一论点进行论证。作者在第一段提出问题;第二、三段用事例法论证某些学生为得到一点物质刺激而参加集体劳动;第四段用归纳法论证物质丰富而精神空虚的原因;第五、六段用演绎法论证青年人应该关心集体和他人的道理,我们可以从这两段总结出作者的三段式推理过程:
- 上一篇:摩托车上的亲情
- 下一篇:初中写景作文美丽的张家界