

文章摘要:拉毕省省会罗瓦涅米坐落在北极圈附近,它有个圣诞老人村,接待着来自世界各地的游客。在那里圣诞老人满街都是,他还有个自己的办公室。这个小城二站之后由芬兰著名建筑师设计阿而托设计重建。Rovaniemi, located near the Arctic Circle, is Santa Claus'hometown。


Rovaniemi, located near the Arctic Circle, is Santa Claus'hometown.Around the Arctic Circle wrap up warm in this winter wonderland for the freezing weather with air still and blue make cheeks redden and noses run.

Santa Claus, is not afraid of chilly weather – under his thick, red coat he is snug and very warm, as he commutes from Korvatunturi in Eastern Finish Lapland to Rovaniemi every day.

In Santa Claus Office within the Arctic Circle it is far from freezing. The cheerful "pre-Christmas" hustle and bustle makes all of Santa's helpers hot and bothered as they dash about seeming never to catch up.

Incorporated in 1929, it became the administrative centre of Lappi in 1939, when the government of Lapland was reorganized. Road building between 1920 and 1940 spurred its development, but near the end of World War II the retreating Germans virtually destroyed it. The new town, designed by the Finnish architect Alvar Aalto, is a striking contrast to the other settlements in northern Finland.

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